Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Modest Project


I have created this blog in order to develop my ideas concerning Ernst Cassirer, his work on methodology in cultural and natural sciences, his philosophy of symbolic forms, and his theoretical relation to his Neo-Kantian contemporaries. My posts here will be far from polished. With this blog, it is not my intention to present a unified body of work, nor is it my intention to teach, nor even to impress anyone in particular. Rather, this will be the workshop where I sort out my ideas and impressions as I develop my Master's thesis. That said, coherency and structure will continue to develop as the project progresses.

What about the name? My first posts always explain the blog's name, and such is the case here. The title is a segment from a longer note I had written concerning history and, for lack of a more effective description, the historical process of geist, spirit, working itself out in the ongoing development of human knowledge. I don't mean this to sound so Hegelian, but it will have to suffice for the time being.

The full sentence that this fragment comes from is as follows:

"When the drop of water realizes the ocean, it will not be without the sound of infinite splashing."

Maybe I will describe the note it is from in a subsequent post, but for now I will just say that each of the posts found in this blog will be another splash. Hopefully, with the input of friends and colleagues and my continued posting, something will be realized herein.

Thanks for stopping by...


  1. I just finished reading Cassirer's Logic of the Humanities. I can hardly say that I retained much of what I read, but I can say I have respect for anyone who decides to delve deep into that particular well. I shall be watching this blog with great interest.

  2. Thanks Doc, I appreciate your attention. Hope all is well in London-town.
